March 2018 Guy McLelland persuaded me that his new venture was going to be staggeringly successful. It was certainly expensive: offices in Grafton Street, branding by Saatchi – even the Vitari brand cost an enormous amount of money to brainstorm, develop and register courtesy of Novamark. The product itself was ahead of its time – […]
Sainsbury’s and the road to SO organic
March 2018 The eight years I spent working on organics with Sainsbury’s coincided with a dramatic rise in organic sales, peaking in 2008 at £2.1 billion per annum. I was brought into the company by Technical Manager Robert Duxbury, and like him I reported to Alison Austin and ultimately Judith Batchelar. As a consultant I […]
A Textbook Progression
March 2018 My publisher Jon Walmsley always claimed that although the money one earnt from editing textbooks was derisory, it did build profile and add credibility. Plus I worked with some very nice people (especially my co-editor Diane McCrea) and we had some great launch parties, including one in Paris!
Green & Black’s… in pictures!
March 2018 Victory is claimed by all, failure to one alone Tacitus, Agricola (98AD). I was involved with Green & Black’s from its conception through to its teenage years. Here are some of my milestones from along the way
Whole Earth Foods… in pictures!
March 2018 I worked at Whole Earth Foods from 1986 to 1995. I joined as Product Development Manager and left as Development Director. What follows is a pictorial depiction of my life in Park Royal and subsequently on the Portobello Road.